President Kaljulaid Foundation

5.00 1,000.00 

Help support Ukrainian independent media!

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It’s both the most important and most difficult time of their lives for Ukrainian journalists. Their working conditions are dismal – they worry about the safety of their families, loved ones and themselves, and must at the same time contend with questions such as where to live, how to buy gas for their vehicles, or what to buy food with.

The international community, not to mention the citizens of Ukraine, are indebted to the journalists of Ukraine. It’s directly up to the free and independent publications and journalists how factual info spreads during a fast-moving conflict and how the entire world reacts to the horrors of war dealt upon the people of Ukraine by Putin.

In the past week, the incomes of Ukranian publications have all but collapsed. And yet their expenses and uncertainty about the future have risen to unimaginable levels. They need to relocate, they need to create working conditions in extremely difficult circumstances. They need communications, food and living quarters. And their families need basic necessities.

If we are able to help the journalists of Ukraine to do their jobs, it’s our duty to do so. The best evaluators of what they are in need of are the free and independent journalists of Ukraine themselves.

Therefore, the President Kaljulaid Foundation implores everyone to support Ukrainian media channels.


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