Battalion “Carpathian Sich”

5.00 1,000.00 

That’s why we are opening a collection for army camping beds, which will provide our heroes with sleep in such difficult conditions. Our Heroes have not taken a step back and are courageously holding their ground.

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From the first days of the war, soldiers have been sleeping on homemade wooden beds, some just on the ground with a mat. Active work requires rest. That’s why we are opening a collection for army camping beds, which will provide our heroes with sleep in such difficult conditions. Our Heroes have not taken a step back and are courageously holding their ground. But their success today depends primarily on our support.

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Our goal is to raise € 13,000 to buy army cots and help 400

Ukrainian defenders. The price of one is UAH 2070

(approx. 67 euros).

Facebook link:

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